Meditation & Mindfulness Private coaching

Our Meditation & Mindfulness Private Coaching sessions will guide you through a four week program that touches on topics such as:

  • A foundational overview of meditation and breath

  • A scientific perspective on the practice of mindfulness

  • Breathing techniques to support optimal human performance

  • An exploration of self-compassion and kindness

Each week, the program will involve curriculum, open discussion, education on breathing techniques, practical tips to access guided meditation in your everyday life, and a guided meditation.

Get in touch today to book your Private Coaching Session.

prioritize your mental wellbeing

From work-related anxiety to social isolation, today’s world is experiencing mental health challenges like never before. Meditation and breathing techniques are tools we all possess to counter the brain’s negativity bias, release accumulated stress, support the reduction of anxiety, depression and burnout. It also supports us in creating positive experiences and intentions, experiencing mindfulness and reaching higher levels of performance in our personal lives.

Meditation & Mindfulness Private Coaching sessions can invite the Eastern philosophies of mindfulness, viewed through the lens of science, into your day-to-day – transcending life’s compartments and supporting you where you need it most. These one-on-one coaching sessions can provide you with the tools you need to support your mental wellness journey, and help you make the unbearable, bearable – so you can keep moving forward.


Here is a brief overview of what you can expect when participating in Meditation & Mindfulness Private Coaching sessions:


Availability: Worldwide

Delivery Method: Virtual via Zoom

Length: Four weekly 45-minute sessions /*Four weeks minimum commitment

Pricing: Custom, please enquire

Topics Covered:

  • Week 1 – Conscious Connection to Your Breath

    • In our first week together, you will explore the foundations of meditation and how your breath has the power to shift your mind from feeling stressed to experiencing a sense of calm and focus. 

  • Week 2 – The Science of Meditation                   

    • In your second week, you will learn the science and facts behind meditation. You will discover the biological impacts that the practice of mindfulness has on your brain and your body.

  • Week 3 – Mindfulness and Performance

    • Week three will have you re-evaluate what it means to be successful, and you will discover how you can use your breath to access your optimal performance.

  • Week 4 – Cultivating Self-Compassion

    • In your fourth and final week of study, you will explore self-kindness, gratitude, forgiveness, and compassion. You will work towards uncovering what it truly means to belong to yourself and a collective culture.


“I had the pleasure of working with Tess for personalized meditation and mindfulness coaching. Working with Tess has been a game changer in my professional and personal life. Tess brought a calm confidence with an energized tranquility to our sessions which included the science of meditation wisdom, breathwork techniques and the importance of pausing to increase cognition and creativity. I truly enjoyed working with Tess and would wholeheartedly recommend her.”

- Zenitta Kassim-Lakha

What Gives Chapter Two Meditation Our Silent Edge 

At Chapter Two, we take meditation and mindfulness very seriously. It is our belief that meditation has the power to help individuals and companies achieve great things; that mindfulness is the silent edge in business. 

Our co-founder, Tess Sloane, discovered meditation during a difficult time in her life. She was able to use mindfulness to pause, refresh, and ultimately sharpen her skillset. Tess is perfectly positioned to share how integrating meditation into one’s daily life can help with mental health, performance, and cultivating harmonious relationships with the self and others.

FAQs About Our Mindfulness Workshops

  • → Tess discovered meditation during a difficult time in her life. She was able to use mindfulness to pause, refresh, and ultimately sharpen her skillset. She is perfectly positioned to share how integrating meditation into one’s daily life can help with mental health, performance, and cultivating harmonious relationships with the self and others.

    → This month-long mindfulness program offers insight into meditation from a scientific perspective, while still honouring the traditions of Eastern philosophy.

    → All of Chapter Two’s programs are hosted virtually, making them available around the world.

    → Our meditation workshops are customizable to fit the unique needs of each individual that seeks out coaching.

  • Throughout your sessions, you will learn how to use your breath and other mindfulness techniques that can be performed at any point in your day. These techniques won’t require substantial practice to master and you can take advantage of them on a daily basis, whenever you have a spare moment.

  • No. However, it is used as a contemplation practice in almost every religion. No religion “owns” meditation. Today, meditation is widely practices as a technique without religious purpose and is open to all.

Elevate Your life with Mindfulness

Learn to pause, reconnect with your purpose, and level-up your performance through the power and science of meditation.