New Year, New Routines: How to Start a Meditation and Mindfulness Practice 2023

With every new year, a myriad of people set out to make “New Year Resolutions” – here at Chapter Two, we like to reframe this and focus more on goal setting, visualization, and the implementation or refreshing of routines. One of the best things you can do to improve your overall wellbeing, reduce stress, support focus and unlock your optimal performance in 2023 is to start a meditation & mindfulness routine.

Whether you’re just getting started, or want to deepen or refresh your practice, this blog will help you get there.

The Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness 

We talk about the benefits of meditation & mindfulness often, but if you’re new here, we’d like to provide you with an overview.

Meditation has been around for centuries and has an ever-growing body of research developing through modern science. The research has established that having a regular meditation practice produces tangible results in the following areas: ⁠

  • Lowered blood pressure and hypertension⁠

  • Reduced levels of stress hormones⁠

  • Decrease in insomnia, anxiety and depression⁠

  • Increased focus, productivity and performance

  • Improved emotional regulation and increased self-awareness

And many, many more. It is clear that a regular meditation practice can help you become more regulated, centered, and healthier in all areas of your life. 

Getting Started With Your Practice 

Now that you know why it’s important to start a meditation routine for the new year, let's discuss how to get started. 

  1. Step one is to find an environment where you won’t be disturbed—a quiet place with no distractions like phones or computers. A space where you feel comfortable, safe, and at ease.

  2. Once you have found a spot to practice in, sit comfortably on the floor or on a cushion with your legs crossed (or in any other comfortable position – you can even lie down!).

  3. Close your eyes and focus on your breath—inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Try not to think about anything else except for your breath going in and out of your body; if any other thoughts enter your mind simply acknowledge them without judgment before returning back to focusing on your breath. 

  4. Start by practicing for a minimum of 5-10 minutes per day and work your way up to longer sessions if you feel called to.

If you feel lost at first, know that there are resources here to help you. Here are some of our favourites:

Consistency Is Key 

It’s true – the more often you practice meditation & mindfulness, the greater the results you’ll see and experience. As mentioned above, starting off slow and simple is fine. You can also consider adding mindfulness activities into your everyday tasks like eating breakfast or walking outside—you can take three cleansing breaths, close your eyes and focus on your breath, or simply try to be present in the current moment.

Be patient; this type of practice takes time but if done consistently will pay ten fold in many areas of life like the workplace, relationships with others, decision making processes, creativity, sleep, and more.

Taking time each day to sit down in stillness and ground yourself is one of the most rewarding practices for people of any age or experience level.

This practice is accessible for all.

So what are you waiting for? Take this opportunity to start practicing meditation and mindfulness today. Let 2023 be the year where meditation becomes part of who you are instead of merely something that “you do” once in awhile when feeling stressed or overwhelmed. 

Good luck!


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