Do Meditation & mindfulness Really Support Mental Wellbeing?

Mental health can feel like a journey for many – some may experience it as a straightforward path, while others feel like they’re on a constant uphill climb. At Chapter Two Meditation, we take education on mental health seriously (especially when it comes to the workplace, personal life, and the balance of both). A recent article from the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) stated that:

  • 1 in 5 Canadians will experience mental illness in any given year

  • By the age of 40, 1 in 2 Canadians will have (or have had) a mental illness

  • In a 2019 survey of working Canadians, 75% of respondents said they would be reluctant – or world refuse – to disclose a mental illness to an employer or co-worker

These statistics are troubling at best, and mental health struggles will likely be around forever, but there are ways that we can support our brains – when able – and ease that mental load that so many of us carry on a day-to-day basis.

Meditation & Mindfulness Can Help

Meditation and breathing techniques are tools we all possess to counter the brain’s negativity bias, release accumulated stress, and support the reduction of anxiety, depression, and burnout. But did you know meditation and breathing techniques can also support us in creating positive experiences and intentions, experiencing mindfulness and reaching higher levels of performance in business and our personal lives?

The proof is in the research. In a review published by the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers reviewed more than 18,000 scientific studies looking at the relationship between meditation and depression and anxiety. The results showed that mindful meditation programs over an eight-week period had moderate evidence in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

How To: Meditation & Mindfulness

Practicing meditation and mindfulness on your own time doesn’t have to be difficult – especially once you get a good routine and practice going. Here are some of our favourite ways to ground ourselves and ease our minds during difficult times:

  • Get still and meditate – start with 2-3 minutes at a time and work your way up to longer sessions. You can even start by using guided meditations to help you along the way and ease yourself in.

  • Mindful journaling – put pen to paper and let your brain declutter itself

  • Practice breathwork – breath is one of the most accessible tools humans have. Check out our breathwork guide here for more tips!

Be Gentle With Yourself & Others

It’s good to remind yourself that Meditation is not about turning all of our negative experiences into positive ones, but more about making the unbearable, bearable – so you have the strength to keep moving forward. Be strong with the knowledge that everyone is human. Everyone has pain points and struggles unique to them – you are not alone.⁠

It is okay to not be okay, but that there will always be someone there to help you through the difficult and trying moments in life.⁠

We are here, braving the unseen battles alongside you.

If you’re looking to support your team’s mental health with meditation and mindfulness, Chapter Two Meditation™ offers Corporate Mindfulness Workshops, bringing the Eastern philosophies of mindfulness right to your boardroom or Zoom meeting. 

Science of Meditation Lunch & Learn

The Month of Mindfulness Program

Reach out to us today to see how we can partner together to bring the powerful tools of meditation and mindfulness to your organization and employees. Click the button below to learn more.


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Interview Anxiety Be Gone – Five Mindful Methods To Ground Yourself